Understanding Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery Process, Purpose and Recovery – 2025

By | March 7, 2019

What Is Tubal Ligation Reversal?

Tubal ligation is basically a permanent birth control procedure in which, the fallopian tubes are tied to permanently prevent pregnancy.  Tubal ligation is one of the most commonly used surgical sterilization birth control procedures for women. However, if one wishes to return to fertility again, with surgical procedures the blocked segments of the fallopian tubes can be reconnected.

This surgical process of reconnecting fallopian tubes is termed as Tubal Ligation Reversal. During a tubal ligation reversal, the blocked segments of the fallopian tubes are reconnected to the remainder of the fallopian tubes. This facilitates eggs to again move through the fallopian tubes and sperm to travel up the fallopian tubes to join and fertilize the egg.

The success rates of Tubal ligation reversal are found to be higher, if fallopian tubes were originally blocked by clips or rings rather than if segments of your fallopian tubes were burned in order to close them off i.e. through electrocautery.

How Is Tubal Reversal Surgery Done?

Though tubal reversal surgery is quite a complicated procedure and is performed under general anesthesia yet with modern methods of tubal reversal, using microsurgery i.e. laparoscopic techniques, it can be performed in outpatient surgery centers under local anesthesia.

Most tubal reversal surgeries are now-a-days performed with the help of laparoscope. Before actually performing tubal reversal surgery, the doctor will examine your fallopian tubes using a laparoscope to ascertain and decide if reversal surgery is possible.

If all is well then your doctor will make a small surgical incision, called a “bikini cut” in the lower abdomen, just below the bikini line area.

Microscopic instruments attached to the end of the laparoscope allow the doctor remove the clips or rings that were used to block your tubes, and reconnect the ends of the tubes to the uterus. The tubes are reconnected, using very small self absorbing stitches.

Once the tubes are reconnected, the doctors inject a blue dye into one end of each tube to make sure that there is no leakage and confirm proper opening of tubes besides reassuring successful reconnection of tube.

How Long is Recovery after a Tubal Reversal?

It takes around 2-3 hours to perform tubal reversal surgery and patients can go home same day eliminating the need for patients to stay back in hospital. Most women return to their day-to-day activities in 2 weeks.  Patient is advised to avoid rubbing the incision for one week and keep the area around incision dry bathe 48 hours after the procedure.

For faster and safe tubal ligation reversal surgery recovery, it is advisable to avoid straining, lifting heavy weights and avoid sex for two weeks.

What are the Chances of Pregnancy after Tubal Reversal?

The chances of pregnancy after tubal reversal are reported to be quite high. The rate of successful pregnancies ranges between 40 to 85% usually within the first year after tubal reversal surgery.

Most women have a good chance of getting pregnant after tubal reversal as it depends upon:

  • The health of fallopian tubes
  • Quality and adequacy of partner’s sperm count
  • Age – plays important role. Women under 35 years of age have chances of pregnancy up to 80 %, while rate for women over 40 years of age is 30 to 40 %

What is the Success Rate of Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery?

The factors that impact the success rate include:

  • Fertility factors of both partners
  • Remaining tubal length
  • Extent of damage to fallopian tubes
  • Presence of pelvic scar tissue from previous pelvic surgeries
  • Type of sterilization whether women had ring or clip sterilization

The success rate of tubal ligation reversal surgery is directly proportional to the rate of successful pregnancies which is quite encouraging and can be as high as up to 85 %.

Patients Testimonials of Afghanistan Patients Done Tubal Ligation Reversal Surgery in India