Introduction of Leukemia Treatment
Leukemia is a type of blood cancer that is found in our bloodstreams and bone marrow. Our bone marrow is thoroughly responsible for generating blood cells. But when the blood cell production gets malfunctioned, it gives rise to leukemia. Leukemia is a deficiency that directly attacks the immune system and diminishes our ability to fight with harmful infections and viruses. This disease causes serious damage to our white blood cells which is also known as leukocytes.
Available treatment for Leukemia Cancer
Leukemia treatment is provided by considering the type of blood cancer, which is dependent upon a certain feature of leukemic cells, and the degree of disease, or sometimes it is also reviewed that if the patient had leukemia treatment before.
Following are the various types of available treatment for leukemia cancer which are given when the symptoms of leukemia are detected:
Chemotherapy is one of the popular types of cancer treatment where cancer patient is treated with anti-cancer drugs to destroy the cancer cells by putting a stop to their growth to improve the immunity. A patient undergoing chemotherapy is treated in cycles. At first, the patient is treated with chemotherapy and then given a certain period to recover and then treated again, followed by sufficient time for recovery, and the treatment continues till the significant amount of change is noticed.
Chemotherapy for leukemia treatment involves the usage of different types of drugs, based on the kind of treatments. It is observed that, as side effects, chemotherapy also affects our healthy cells. But that is temporary, as our healthy cells still sustain the ability to repair themselves after the treatment.
Biological Therapy
Biological therapy is a cancer treatment process where a biological substance, which is extracted from living organisms, is used to fight cancer cells. In this biological therapy, a drug called Interferon is used against harmful leukemia to attack the cancerous cells so that immunity can be elevated.
Targeted Therapy
Unlike chemotherapy, where drugs merge with all rapidly dividing cells, in targeted therapy or molecularly targeted therapy, drugs are used to aim the specific genes, proteins in the cancer cells, or tissue surroundings to destroy or obstruct the growth of dangerous cells causing blood cancer.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy, which is commonly known as radiotherapy is a medical treatment process that is employed to kill or control the cancerous cells in the body with the help of a linear beam of accelerating radio particles.
Radiotherapy is once in a while used procedure for the treatment of leukemia in the central nervous system, testicles, or sometimes for the pain originated by bone destruction. In radiotherapy, the high intensity of radiation projected to the affected area to prevent the cells from expanding and branching.
Stem Cell Transplantation
Stem cell transplantation is a cancer treatment in which damaged stem cells are replaced by healthy ones. In this procedure, stem cells are injected into the bloodstream, which reaches to the bone marrow and starts developing healthy blood cells like RBC , WBC and platelets.
India is the Best Destination for Leukemia Treatment to International Patients
India is booming to be one of the emerging destinations for the best treatments for leukemia cancer. Patients across the world have shown great trust and heed in Indian medical treatments.
Operating rooms installed with precision diagnostic equipment and surgical tools are highly potent to back the best treatment. The distinct expertise doctors in cancer treatment and the well-trained supporting team work together to make your medical experience more comfortable and satisfactory.
Low-cost treatment with high quality of assurance sets India apart among st all other developing countries where you may have to pay a massive amount for the same procedures.