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Dr. Vivek Raj
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Top Surgeons in Max Healthcare
Dr. Vivek Raj
Senior Consultant
Max Hospital, Gurgaon
Consultation Form
Dr. Vivek Raj
M.B.B.S. from Maulana Azad Medical College, Delhi
ERCP and Advance Interventional Endoscopy fellowship Boston, USA
EUS training at university Montreal, Canada

20years of Clinical experience in the fields of Gastroenterology
Area Of Specialization
Therapeutic ERCP
Endoscopic Ultrasound
Hepatology including hepatitis B & C
Gastrointestinal Motility.
Capsule Endoscopy
Inflammatory Bowel Disease
Royal College of Physician, London
American College of Gastroentrolog
Indian Society of Gastroentrology
American Gastroentrology Association
American Society of Gastrointestinal Endoscopy